Example Analytes
This is a partial list of analytes that are included in ShaleNetwork Database. Not all sites provide data for all analytes.
Common water quality measurements:
- pH
- Na
- K
- Mg
- Ca
- Sulfate
- Chloride
- Bromide
- NH4
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Total N
- Acidity
- Alkalinity
- Hardness
Specific conductance, TSS Trace elements:
- Al
- As
- Ba
- Be
- B
- Cd
- Cr
- Co
- Cu
- Fe
- Pb
- Li
- Mg
- Mn
- Hg
- Mo
- Ni
- Pb
- Se
- Ag
- Sr
- Th
- U
- Zn
Naturally occurring radioactive material measurements:
- Gross alpha
- Gross beta
- Ra-226
- Ra-228
Organic constituents:
- Acetophenone
- Benzene
- Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
- Ethylbenzene
- Ethylene glycol
- Methanol
- Methylene blue active substances
- Napthalene
- Oil and grease
- Phenolics
- Toluene
- Xylenes
Data Access
There are multiple ways to access the data included in the Shale Network Database:
- CUAHSI HydroClient website: https://data.cuahsi.org/
- Individual datasets are published and interpreted in peer-reviewed articles. These datasets can be accessed via the data DOI that is included in the corresponding article. These datasets are all hosted on the Penn State DataCommons and/or CUAHSI HydroShare.
- Following each major data upload, the Shale Network team will harvest the entire database and publish a snapshot on CUAHSI HydroShare. To request access, you may email Dr. Tao Wen.